Diet according to blood group for weight loss

There are many diets based on the use of low-fat, unsweetened foods, protein, calorie counting and separate meals. And there is an interesting diet that suggests eating certain foods depending on blood type. Losing weight on this diet is enjoyable but a bit unusual. Above all, you will have to give up common and perhaps favorite products. Moreover, they can be low in fat and non-nutritious.

Weight loss based on blood type

nutritionist offers products for weight loss according to blood type

Losing weight on this diet involves eating certain foods and avoiding others. It is believed that the weight will disappear normally by itself. Foods can be divided into beneficial, neutral and harmful for each blood group. That is, the same product will help a person lose weight, make the second one get better, and the third one will not change anything.

The diet is based on the principle that a person should eat only the food that was when a certain blood appeared. That is, nature itself tells a person what to use. It is believed that this food not only helps to become thinner, but also strengthens the immune system, gives a person more energy and strength, improves the functioning of the digestive system and helps eliminate allergies.

There are four blood groups, they appeared at different times. At first, people ate mostly meat, then agriculture increased - vegetables, cereals, then people domesticated pets, therefore, dairy products appeared, and then there was a mix of groups, and the last, fourth blood group was raised. .

Weight loss will not happen quickly, it will most likely take more than a month. During this time, the body will rebuild and begin to work properly, and, accordingly, lose weight. However, it should be remembered that if your body does not perceive a certain product, there is an allergy to any approved product, then it should be excluded, regardless of diet. Conversely, do you feel good when you consume an unwanted food? So you can activate it in the menu.

The essence of the diet is not to break the whole usual diet, but simply to make adjustments, to try to consume more of the permitted foods.

What foods are allowed for health and detail?

meat and vegetables for weight loss according to blood type

So what foods can be consumed by people of different blood and at the same time maintain health and a slim figure?

As for the first group, the base is its flesh. It can be anything, and by-products are also helpful. Therefore, chops, cutlets and other meat dishes should be on the menu every day. In addition, vegetables, bread are allowed, but only rye, fish, seafood, sweet fruits. But cereals, buns, sweets, oils, eggs, fermented milk and dairy products need to be significantly reduced. You can drink herbal teas, juices from sweet fruits.

For the other, second group, the menu is wider - these are fish, legumes, fruits, berries, vegetables, dairy products. You can eat chicken and eggs, but in small quantities. Consumption of acidic foods, sugar and white bread should be kept to a minimum. From the drinks you can choose different juices, green tea, red wine.

People with the third blood type can consume almost anything. But there are some limitations: seafood, tomatoes, fatty meats and poultry, wheat and buckwheat cereals should be reduced to a minimum. But vegetable oils can be added to any salad and cereal. You can drink teas and juices (except tomatoes), as well as coffee, beer and wine. For weight loss, it is advisable to exclude sweets and pastries.

The fourth group does not differ much from the third. It is advisable to choose lean meats, you can eat nuts, legumes, any baked goods, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Sour fruits and buckwheat are undesirable. You can drink infusions, teas, various wines. For early weight loss, you should include more vegetable salads, seaweed, cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt in the menu.

When compiling the menu, you need to consider all the nuances. Summer very easy to remember everything that can and can not be used. Within a week, you will develop the habit of eating the right foods. And remember, forbidden foods can also be eaten, but only a little.

Diet menu for blood type

vegetable salad for weight loss according to blood type

It's easy to create a menu of allowed products and follow it for a long time. Of course, the dishes can be changed - the menu should be varied.

Of course, the diet menu for the first group will include lots of meat products, fish, a few dairy products and muffins.

Here is the diet menu:

  • in the morning - lean bacon with rye bread, fruit;
  • second breakfast - salad and bread;
  • lunch - gravy, pieces, rice, vegetables;
  • afternoon tea - eggs and juice;
  • in the evening - seafood, salad, kefir.

The menu of the second group will include cereals, more dairy products, but there will still be some cakes and pastries.

Here is the diet menu:

  • breakfast - porridge, berries, juice;
  • appetizers - yogurt and fruit;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, fish, vegetables, bread, compote;
  • afternoon tea - scrambled eggs and salad;
  • in the evening - casserole with vegetables, green tea.

The menu of the third group is very diverse. Therefore, there will be containers with cereals, fish, meat and vegetables. But even though sweets can be consumed, it is better to wait for them.

Sample menu:

  • in the morning - omelette or porridge, bread with cheese;
  • appetizer - fruit or freshly squeezed juice;
  • lunch - soup with cereals, cutlets, vegetables, compotes, bread;
  • afternoon tea - yogurt or cottage cheese, juice;
  • dinner - boiled fish and vegetables, kefir.

If blood type is rare, it means you can eat almost anything. This means that the menu will be the usual proper food, with which we are accustomed. But there are some nuances: you need to include more yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese and salads with green vegetables.

Here is the diet menu:

  • breakfast - milk porridge, lean biscuits with cheese, freshly squeezed juice;
  • second breakfast - fruit, cottage cheese, vegetables - one thing;
  • lunch - vegetable cream soup, vegetable stew, bread, salad;
  • snack - kefir, sour milk or yogurt;
  • dinner - fish, salad, tea.

Of course, the menu can be very varied, the main thing is to include healthy products. Unrecommended products may be included in the menu, but in small quantities. It is important that you tolerate the diet lightly because it should promote health.